Is Depression a Sin in the Bible?

Depression is one of the most widespread psychiatric problems and has existed for millennia. The Bible can provide valuable insight into its causes and treatments. Depression can be brought on by genetics, major life events, illness and stress; medications or side effects from medical conditions may also contribute. Depression is not a sin Depression is a serious mental illness that requires treatment, just like ulcers or heart attacks. While some people suffer more than others from it, God understands and wants the best for all his creations – so if you find yourself depressed it’s wise to seek professional counseling as well as pray for help from Him. You can turn to Scripture when feeling depressed for comfort and reminders of His promises. A great starting place is Ecclesiastes where Solomon explores how craving temporary pleasures such as pleasure, knowledge, wisdom, possessions, or success is only going to leave you feeling empty in the end – instead focus on looking towards eternity instead. Although biblical writers did not directly address depression per se, evidence of it can still be seen. Some may want to draw links between their depression and sin; wise helpers should steer away from such links altogether as Satan is real and plays an integral role in human suffering – although that alone should not necessarily cause people’s depressive episodes either. Depression is not a punishment Many well-meaning Christians mistakenly assume that being depressed is due to sin; however, this is far from being the case! Depression is a legitimate medical condition which must be managed appropriately with medications and psychotherapy. There are multiple people throughout the Bible who appear to be experiencing what we would now term depression. Psalms, for instance, contain many laments of pain and loss; perhaps one could argue that King David himself suffered from some form of mental distress. Chemical imbalance in the brain does not equal sinful conduct; but it can still be serious. Seeking help for depression from friends and family as well as doctors is vital, while reading scripture to gain wisdom and direction can also be very useful. Continue Reading

Movies About Teenage Depression

Films about depression among teenagers can serve as an effective starting point for conversations about mental health. Both independent and Hollywood productions demonstrate its various facets through relatable characters who showcase these teen’s struggle. Melinda, an awkward newcomer at high school, starts opening up to her eccentric art teacher as they share experiences together. This film beautifully illustrates the healing potential of sharing our stories. Little Miss Sunshine This movie makes mental health issues relatable and humorous with its portrayal of dysfunctional family, led by an unscrupulous grandfather, his awkward teenage son taking an oath of silence, an overworked mother and an aspiring life coach father (Frank). While this film does not glorify suicide or condone it, it does show its prevalence; suicide can affect anyone at any time. This movie does an outstanding job at depicting how different family members cope with their problems and provides a realistic portrayal of depression, which is sometimes misdiagnosed as narcissism. Furthermore, it shows that although suicide is a serious mental illness that people can recover from. Finally, the movie shows just how essential support for mental wellbeing can be. Submarine Submarine, inspired by French New Wave cinema, tells the tale of a teenage boy coming of age and his battle against depression. Craig Roberts stars as Oliver, an awkward Welsh teen with an intense crush on Jordana (Alex Turner). Additionally, family matters and mental health concerns are addressed in this film, making it one of the best movies about teenage depression. Richard Ayoade’s debut feature film uses a style similar to Noah Baumbach (The Squid and the Whale) and Wes Anderson (Rushmore) in order to offer an original and quirky twist on a traditional teenage romance tale. While sometimes resorting to cliches or overused gags, Ayoade captures some of the more honest and raw aspects of teenage life while making depression and anxiety not just feelings but realities; Oliver realizes this firsthand through his struggles with depression and Jordana. The Virgin Suicides The Virgin Suicides is a haunting film about five teenage sisters who decided to end their own lives, exploring love, Continue Reading