Christian Songs to Help With Depression

christian songs to help with depression

Christian songs can be an effective tool to foster mental wellbeing. By encouraging spirituality, they can also alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety.

Declarative Songs emphasize God’s goodness and holiness through objectively recounting events from scripture while often offering our thanksgiving to Him.

Starting your day right can be challenging, so begin it right by listening to music that brings peace and hope.

1. “The Prince of Peace”

War, hatred and violence make life feel hopeless at times; it can be tempting to give in to despair in hopes that one day everything will just end or that some miracle may occur. But those are false hopes; sometimes things just turn around.

Isaiah foretold that Jesus would come as the Prince of Peace and this wasn’t just an empty title; rather it symbolized that His purpose in coming was to bring harmony and tranquility into our world.

People experiencing depression must remember that this isn’t their fault and find comfort in believing that Jesus died for them and will bring His peace into even their darkest times. He can restore broken hearts, heal wounds and bring lasting peace between themselves and God and others.

2. “Hallelujah”

“Hallelujah” is both beautiful and haunting in equal measures, taking you on an emotional journey of sorrow, loss and redemption. This song explores love, betrayal and faith – something which deserves our full consideration when selecting songs to listen to or sing along to.

Leonard Cohen took great care and attention in writing this song, spending years perfecting its craft and producing nothing less than an absolute masterpiece in its final form.

He wrote this song to express his own struggle between religion and life, making it one of his most beloved songs and popular choices among listeners. People relate deeply to its message of peace; listeners find comfort listening to it when feeling down or depressed. Brandi Carlile mentioned in an interview how this song helped reconcile her homosexuality with Christian beliefs while dealing with rejection by family.

3. “Speak”

This song expresses the importance of finding peace and comfort through faith in Jesus. The singer asserts that they know they can rely on His love as a source of strength and stability, providing they keep their minds and hearts focused on Him during difficult times.

As soon as you’re feeling stressed or anxious, it can be easy to be distracted by things like loud music. Instead of turning to these songs to relieve yourself of anxiety or stress, try listening to worship songs which center around who God is and His promises for us – this could help calm your mind, shift thoughts, heal souls and remind of who we really are while also serving as a great reminder that trust in the unfailing love of our Father is important.

4. “Forever”

When you’re feeling anxious or distressed, the last thing you want to hear is upbeat music that raises your blood pressure. Instead, opt for songs that relax your thoughts, help shift perspectives and soothe your soul – such as Christian worship songs which provide powerful tools for turning towards God when dealing with anxiety or depression.

This song explores the theme of finding peace and stability during turbulent times by leaning on Christ’s love as an anchor. The singer affirms that no matter what life throws their way, they know Jesus will always be there as their strong foundation whose love remains pure, secure, and unfaltering despite any challenges along their journey.

5. “Be Still”

This song honors the timeless wisdom to “be still and know that He is God,” offering comfort for those suffering from anxiety or depression. Reminding us that His love remains constant while He has plans for each of our lives is powerfully comforting.

Are you experiencing depression or other mental health concerns? BetterHelp offers free online assessments that match you up with licensed therapists specializing in your specific needs. Take action now by initiating one!

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