Which Zodiac Sign Has Depression?

which zodiac sign has depression

Pisceans tend to become depressed when encountering family conflict, particularly if someone in their family becomes antagonistic and starts acting out violently towards one another. Minor disagreements often won’t bother them but when their loved ones act like animals it really brings down their spirits.

Libras find great joy in spreading love and kindness to others, so when charity causes are absent they become depressed.


When Aries become depressed, their anger often overshadows any feelings of vulnerability they might be feeling. They can become easily annoyed and more impulsive than usual.

Mentally unstable people also tend to sleep too much, overeat and play the victim card. Instead of giving into this temptation and self-sacrifice, they should seek support from trusted individuals while finding ways to stay busy and active so as to combat depression more successfully.


Taureans, as fixed earth signs, appreciate routine, familiarity, and stability in their lives; without these elements in place, they can quickly become extremely depressed.

One of the main factors contributing to Piscean depression is family turmoil. They don’t mind minor conflicts between loved ones, but when things start becoming personal between family members it becomes troubling and depressing for them.


People born under this sign often become depressed when there are family issues to resolve. Being highly sensitive individuals themselves, seeing loved ones fighting creates feelings of helplessness and overwhelm that make them feel helpless to make things right again.

Geminis can be quick-witted and intelligent individuals, yet can often struggle to establish themselves as individuals. Always juggling several interests or passions at the same time, Geminis may become overwhelmed by their own complexity.


Emotionally sensitive Cancer individuals are highly prone to depression. Their emotional needs often go unmet by those they love and support them; when this occurs they become depressed.

They may become depressed when family members behave cruelly; these individuals believe that family bonds and love make the family stronger than ever; they will suffer until they feel loved again.


Leos may seem strong-willed at first, yet they’re deeply sensitive individuals who take offense when their feelings are ignored or disrespected.

Pisceans tend to become depressed if their family members become abusive or mean towards them, as their love for them takes precedence over any potential problems within it. When these issues occur, Pisceans feel devastated.


People born under this sign often suffer silently as they struggle to express themselves properly and can become short tempered and hostile towards loved ones.

Virgos tend to overthink things and worry about meeting both their own expectations as well as those of others, making them easily overwhelmed with work. Therefore, taking time off for relaxation can be extremely helpful; making sure you take some fun breaks!


People born under Libra possess great kindness. Unfortunately, when this compassion cannot be spread around it can easily lead to feelings of depression and helplessness. They find fulfillment in giving back through charity efforts which give purpose and meaning in their lives.

Taureans typically do not like sudden changes to their daily schedule. When feeling depressed or blue, all it takes is a relaxing bath or an appetizing meal to help lift their mood and make them feel better.


Fear often depresses Scorpios and is out of their control; they worry what could come after moments of happiness and fulfillment.

As with Virgo, overthinking is one way depression can arise. Recurring scenarios often end in disaster and cloud the present moment with thoughts that become overwhelming and detrimental. They should learn self-compassion and mindfulness as means to cope better in this regard.


Sagittarians are among the most adventurous, energetic individuals of the zodiac. They believe there is so much out there for them to experience, see, possess, touch and smell in this world.

But if their plans do not succeed, they may become depressed. A strong support network must be put into place; having close friends to lean on during a time of depression is paramount.


Individuals born under this sign tend to be quirky, creative, and reflective. With distinct interests and viewpoints of their own, these people seek ways to make the world better for everyone else.

People in these groups tend to become most depressed when their family becomes upset. Although they might not take much pleasure from small disagreements, if they believe their family does not care for them emotionally they can become severely upset and cry as a result.

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